Get Promotion in your life

Script of Video for reference and search engines listed below

Quit messing around
Time to Get Serious
It’s patiently Waiting
your Promotion
HI Rev. Lowell Brown here with another 5 Minutes on God
Hey today I want to talk with you about getting promotion into your life.
We all want promotion and success.
I know I do.
I want to get promoted in this world and the Next.
Do you too?
I would like to tell you about the way to make this happen.
It’s so simple that it is hard.
It is hard for some and Impossible for others
(Impossible until they are ready)
They way to promotion and a life of plenty now and forever is through Faith.
That’s right Faith is how you get promoted.
Faith in Jesus and his works.
Let me make this very Clear.
Faith is the key.
In this life it is not what you do. Which is called your works in the bible.

in John 14:1-6
Jesus, the Way to the Father
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.”
“No, we don’t know, Lord,” Thomas said. “We have no idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!”

Tells this. That there is no other way to God his father except through him. Because he is the way, the truth, and the Life. No One can come to the father except through Him.
That so serious stuff there.
So Simple yet so many chose to ignore it.

Listen living a good and righteous life is what you are supposed to do.
It is a life that will reward you here on earth.
But make no mistake.
Faith Trumps it every time.
Faith in Jesus and through him God and the Holy spirit.
Now if your first thought is that with Jesus great I don’t have to life righteous because I believe in Jesus.
Then I suggest you missed something.
Because All I am trying to show you is that Faith in God and Jesus must be 1st.
Above all else in your life.
Then come your good works and shining life.
Works become easier with God there to help carry the load through the Holy Spirit.
SO Quick Recap here:

To promote yourself and your life.
You need to build strong faith.
Then Follow your heart, your life and works will promote you.
Faith + Works(your life) = Promotion in your life
Works w/o Faith = Darkness and Demotion
The point is that Faith Delivers the Goods:
– Eternal Life
– A Life of Plenty
– Endless Love
– Personal Strength
– A Brilliant Light
And Best of all “The Holy Spirit” Your connection to promotion
And Then More Faith leads to:
Joy, Love, Happiness, Fulfillment, a True Life, and the power of God.

So by now I hope you are ready to get promoted in your life.
And are asking how do I get started.
Well 1st
Pray and except Jesus into your life, Confess to him your sins, ask him to forgive you your sins, as you will forgive the sins of others.
Ask him to your life to grow your faith.
That’s the hardest part of this promotion plan.
So don’t slack here. This is serious stuff.
Then if you would like to grow your faith, and I hope you will.
I like to recommend that you grab your bible and walk with Jesus.
For me the Closest way I have found to grow my faith is to read the words of Jesus that were put down by his apostles in John, Luke, Matthew, and Mark.
These are eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ walk here on earth and the wonders he did.
So decide to get that promotion, Grab that Brass Ring.
To live a powerful and passionate life of plenty in Jesus.

Well that was another 5 Minutes on God with Rev. Lowell Brown.
Thanks for Viewing and we’ll see you on the Next one.

Shine On

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